Night Guards: Creation Process

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If you deal with morning headaches or jaw soreness, you are perhaps suffering from bruxism, also referred to as nightly teeth grinding. We can make you a special mouth guard (known as a night guard) that you wear as you sleep in order to prevent any teeth from grinding or rubbing together; no one should have to agonize over bruxism if they don’t have to.

To create your night guard, Dr. Jennifer Ortega will take an impression of your oral cavity (through use of a mold or digital technology). Once the impression has been developed in our office, we’ll send it to a dental workshop where the night guard will be fashioned. Using equipment that creates the perfect conditions, the dental lab team will form your night guard from the impression, and once it’s finished, they will send it to our office.

On a follow-up checkup, you will assess how the night guard fits in your mouth. The doctor will make any needed modifications to the device to ensure your comfort. If the night guard is feeling uncomfortable, you can come back to our office for an adjustment checkup.

Are you ready for a new night guard in Winter Park, Florida? If so, please call the staff of Ortega Dental Winter Park at 407-645-3636 now to pencil in your coming appointment. We’ll see you soon!